Solutions for using products
Today, one of the modern and popular architectural styles in Iran and the world is the minimal architectural style. A style in which simple covering of walls and doors, simplicity in function and forms, and minimal use of visual elements can be mentioned. Also, in the neo-classical architectural style, we see the principle of simplicity and smooth surface of walls and doors. Doors on which no fittings can be seen, but have hinges, stoppers, locks, lock cylinders and seals! Yes, they are all hidden inside the door and frame. These fittings should be of such high quality that the door opens very softly and quietly, closes itself or steps at a desired angle, and closes the bottom of the door completely without us noticing, if we want to lock the door with the handle. which won the 2021 German Design Award, can be locked with just one button. Of course, apart from the beauty of the fittings, which greatly contributes to the attractiveness of the door and interior design, its durability and longevity are also very important. Paying attention to today's technologies and using fittings from advanced countries such as Japan and Germany lead to the selection of high-quality products for interior doors.
Security is the most important parameter for apartment entrance doors. An issue that also affects the mental health of the family. Therefore, the apartment door fittings should automatically lock the door while being beautiful and functional when closing to prevent financial and life damage. A lock that meets the necessary security standards and has passed various performance tests to prevent theft. Cylinders resistant to picking, resistant to drilling and balling, lock tabs resistant to dilema and lock body resistant to acid, are among the security components of Japanese locks with more than 100 years of lock production history. Also, fully closing the door automatically and using a hidden latch that is not visible on the door can help with this issue. The use of new technologies such as automatic seals that prevent energy loss and the entry of dust into the building are also among the other features of entrance doors.
The trend of choosing architects and employers for lobby doors and villa doors has moved towards large sizes. Doors that are both tall and wide. Therefore, fittings that can easily move this door size and have low depreciation are very important. Because as the size of the door increases, the weight of the door also increases, and opening these doors should not cause problems for children and elderly and disabled people. Also, the closing of the door should be controlled, and if the wind falls behind the door, this huge structure should not be closed with a big bang, which is both life threatening and damaging to the frame. This is where the hidden Japanese pivot pivot hinges come to our aid to achieve the best result. Also, automatic swing operators also meet the needs of employers who want their hinged doors to be opened and closed automatically and controlled. On the other hand, these doors need locks that can be opened by my lobby command or by an electric iPhone, and they must have a strong tongue to be resistant to theft.
One of the most widely used doors in the world are glass doors (so-called toughened glass). Doors that are widely used in stores, banks, hospitals, administrative offices and commercial properties. Whether this glass door is hinged or sliding, one of the many problems of this type of door is poor quality fittings that have caused a lot of trouble for employers. Digging the ground and damage to the floor stone, oiling after installation, door falling after installation and lack of door speed regulation are among the frequent problems of hinged glass doors. Our solution for these doors is to use the NHN hinge stopper, which solves all the above problems. Also, many of the glass rail doors that are installed and operated in Iran open very hard and do not close after opening. This problem has also been solved by our semi-automatic sliding doors, and the door is opened very smoothly and with little hand pressure, and like an automatic door, it closes automatically. Also, if we want to keep the door open, it is enough to lift the door all the way by hand and then release it. In this case, the door remains open.
Another door that is widely used in today's architectures is sliding or rail doors. Doors that can be combined with different door materials such as glass, wood or metal and have different uses. Most of us remember the glass doors of banks or pharmacies when sliding doors are mentioned. Yes, it is true, but the automatic glass door operator with Japanese brushless motor is only one of our types of sliding doors. Sliding doors are also used in the interior spaces of the building and help to modernize and maximize the use of the building spaces. Pocket door sliding doors where the door moves as a hidden slide, Volkswagen sliding doors where the door is hidden, is placed flush with the wall and is used for closets, magnetic automatic doors that are very special and smart and quiet. They move and semi-automatic sliding doors that close the door automatically without the need for electricity or batteries are among these doors.